Centive Services


Presentation Planning
Presentation Tools Rental
Presentation Coaching

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Presentation Planning  (Link Under Construction)
We can assist you in planning your next presentation.  Whether it is booking a hotel, managing a catering company, or sending invitations, we can help you.
Presentation Tools Rental (Link Under Construction)
Because we have offices in five different major cities of US.  Our main office is in the sunny Florida.  We can lease you our highly sophisticated tools.  We have projectors, Ultra-White (TM) Projection Screen, translation radio and receivers...
Presentation Coaching (Link Under Construction)
We can coach your presentation.  We have experts in many fields that can help you verifying your key points.  Experienced graphic designers work closely with our presentation planning department to ensure that all communication materials match the theme and atmosphere of the presentation.

Contact us at: paulstan@msn.com

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